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How to be confident?


Updated: Jul 7, 2021

It may seem to some that confidence is equated to the things that you buy, the popularity that you have, or the wealth that you earn. This is far from the case. In fact confidence is a mindset: it’s a way of thinking. To have confidence is to ‘believe in the powers’ that be and most importantly to have 'trust’ within oneself. Don't be fooled, this is not an easy mindset to adopt straight away. It takes time and patience to ascertain this type of conduct. It’s not as easy as taking a magic pill that miraculously cures you of your low self-esteem and shyness. The first step to achieve this overwhelming sense of poise is to curb the negative thinking pattern. Whether these may be unfavourable thoughts concerning your self-worth or appearance it is important to recognise that these are just thoughts not truths. When these thoughts take root I want you to assert your dominance and repeat to yourself all the reasons why these thoughts are inaccurate. Completely disrupting these negative thinking patterns emits a truly freeing feeling. I want you to assert your value and believe that you can be a confident person! Identify what makes you confident - is it a sport? a person? a hobby? a personality trait? Whatever it is, own it and be proud. Identifying these can positively attribute your life in other areas where you may be struggling to feel confident. To overcome these obstacles you need to make sure that you look people in the eye, speak out more, raise your voice, and most importantly be you!

Confidence = carefree, living-life, happy, content, unbothered by others opinions, determined, focused, positive, driven, self-worth, love

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